I love music! 'Kulor' is my internet monicker for music stuff that I've created. I've been writing music for a decade now, and have somehow managed to be pulled onto a few albums and other projects in that time. The majority of my body of work is 'chiptune', which is basically hipster-speak for music made on/made to sound like old video game consoles. I've managed to work with a wide variety of formats, and am always interested in trying to squeeze new sounds out of obscure hardware.

Some assorted chiptunes I did! There are tracks from all sorts of vintage game consoles. This is mostly a collection of the better stuff I posted on 8bc back when it existed.

A game soundtrack I did! There are two versions, one for the NES and one which is enhanced chiptunes. The real NES version fits in less than 9 KB of space!

Some albums I've been on: